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610-710mg Phoenix Tears (Mary’s Edibles)


610-710mg Phoenix Tears by Mary’s Edibles is great for both consumption use and topical use. With immaculate medicinal properties, phoenix tears are commonly used to treat/cure various forms of cancer, chronic or acute pain, epilepsy, MS, migraines, arthritis, crohn’s disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, depression and more. As well as used topically for skin cancer, warts/moles, burns and ulcers.

Each 1g syringe contains 610-710mg of THC



610-710mg Phoenix Tears (Mary’s Edibles)

610-710mg Phoenix Tears by Mary’s Edibles is great for both consumption use and topical use. With immaculate medicinal properties, phoenix tears are commonly used to treat/cure various forms of cancer, chronic or acute pain, epilepsy, MS, migraines, arthritis, crohn’s disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, depression and more. As well as used topically for skin cancer, warts/moles, burns and ulcers.

610-710mg Phoenix Tears

Each 1g syringe contains 610-710mg of THC

Recommended Dosage: It is suggested that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half grain of short grain dry rice. It should also be noted that as a patient begins to ingest this oil the effects of the oil will normally not be felt until about an hour after they have taken their dosage. Please dose with caution.

Ingredients: Pure Cannabis Oil

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